Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Memories (and recordings!) Made in Vermont

I know it seems that foliage is a thing of the recent past. We had a week of gale-force winds and storms in early October and -- poof! -- the trees stood naked, prepared to be peppered with early-season snowfall. Our Made in Vermont tour (planned to occur during projected peak foliage time in Vermont), fell on either side of this weather event, two weekends marking the beginning and abrupt end to the 2010 leaf-peeper season. The belligerent weather system wasn't the only memorable part of the tour. Here we recount some memories shared by the musicians, staff, and the tour's featured composer, Don Jamison. Want a memory that lasts? You can download the complete Made in Vermont concert recording on our page at Instant Encore. Seek something more ephemeral? You can stream it, too. Keep reading for our memories!

"My favorite part was arriving at the hall on my birthday and seeing a mylar balloon with "Happy Birthday" on it tied to a bottle of Champ Ale on my bass stool." -- Luke, bass

"I was so glad for Albert and his conductorial debut and amazing playing and Heidi for her pre-Handel backstage dance routine. Better than TV." -- Shelagh, French horn

"My favorite part was coming to Randolph Champagne Camping after playing a wedding with Hilary, and having Mary welcome us in the freezing cold with hot macaroni and cheese and tomato sauce in the camper, which she had driven from our camping place the night before!" -- Dieuwke, cello

"My hosts, the Bowmans in Newport, offered to take me to the Eastside Restaurant for the Green Room Program in their BOAT." -- Elizabeth, violin

"One of the things that marked the fall tour for me was when Russell and I went jogging on Island Line Trail in the Colchester Causeway Park. It was to me the most exquisite experience in many years. It's one of the most beautiful places I've been to, it's breathtaking!" -- Lino, violin

"One of my favorite things was the drive to Lyndonville. The foliage between Montpelier and Danville was at its peak. The weather was beautiful and the views were really spectacular." -- Alan, French horn

"I loved playing Mozart #29 eight times." -- Marilyn, viola

"Unlike the rest of you, I was out in the audience for all eight concerts, catching many interesting differences (mostly having to do with acoustics of the halls and quirks of the performances, but also with my mood and those ineffable audience vibes), but also developing a list of favorite moments (Heidi's wonderful hands pinging out those harmonics, Shelagh's lovely vibrato, Albert gulping for enough air to keep the flurries of notes going). I loved getting little glimpses into the musicians' lives, and bits of insight into what they were noticing as they played. My favorite musical moment was an upward-resolving appoggiatura in the flute in the second movement of the C.P.E. Bach -- so beautiful. I enjoyed meeting members of the audience and being thanked (!) for writing my piece. And I loved it when some of the musicians took the time to seek me out and tell me they were enjoying my music and specific spots they liked. All very heart-warming and fun and exhausting." -- Don, composer

"Really enjoyed the Jamison [piece by conductor quoted above]." -- David, violin

"Rum-laced whipped cream at the dinner in Bellows Falls made for a giddy postprandial soundcheck!" -- Rebecca, Technical Director

Download the concert recording (or stream it) at our Instant Encore page.